26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (2025)

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26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (6)

Posts: 2,41826/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (7)

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26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (13)

Posts: 37,656

26/08/2019Aug 26, 2019 8:21:19 GMTvia mobile

Post by andypspotter on Aug 26, 2019 8:21:19 GMT

EGLF 260750Z AUTO VRB02KT 9999 NCD 19/15 Q1018

Location: Farnborough
Day of month: 26
Time: 07:50 UTC
Wind: Variable in direction, Speed: 02 knots
Visibility: 10 km or more
Clouds: No cloud detected
Temperature: 19 °C
Dewpoint: 15 °C
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 1018 mb

Sunrise today06:07
Sunset today20:01

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (14)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (15)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (16)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (17)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (18)

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (19)

Posts: 37,656

26/08/2019Aug 26, 2019 9:32:15 GMTvia mobile

Post by andypspotter on Aug 26, 2019 9:32:15 GMT

Courtesy of GE:

EGLF Mvts up to 09:30ish

Date Time Mvt Reg Type c/s Comments
26-Aug 08:05 DEP * G-THFC E35L LNX66TC
26-Aug 08:07 ARR 9H-VFD CL65 VJT570
26-Aug 08:13 DEP OY-LGI GL6T VMP933
26-Aug 08:15 ARR OY-OLD FA8X MMD400
26-Aug 08:18 ARR N450KR G450 N450KR
26-Aug 08:23 ARR VP-BOK GL6T VPBOK
26-Aug 08:59 DEP OY-OLD FA8X MMD400
26-Aug 09:08 DEP * D-CSUN C56X AHO498N
26-Aug 09:10 DEP 9H-VFD CL65 VJT570
26-Aug 09:12 ARR N450CE G450 EJM45
26-Aug 09:32 ARR G-RORA E550 CLF481R

CAVEATS: PLEASE READ THEM (Updated 01st March 2019)

This report is un-official and is produced on a best endevours basis - use at your own discretion.

Not all arrivals and departures will be captured.

Movement times may be out by up to 10 minutes as the time is dependent upon when the aircraft was last seen by my SBS.

Movements without an astirisk are based on the first/last LAT/LONG of the aircraft.

Movements marked with an asterisk are based on altitude alone and may be mis-reported.

Movements into Fairoaks may show as Farnborough movements though where possible a comment will be added.

Movements into other local airports will be posted on the fab-aviation-group.proboards.com site when time permits.

Daily nightstopping list may contain inaccuracies due to an arrival/departure being missed or mis-reported - use at your own discretion.

Any manual updates to the nightstopping list will be actioned when time permits.

Not to be re-circulated including re-posting on Facebook without my explicit permission.

Report produced using Planebase (www.planebase.biz)


See my recent photos at

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (20)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (21)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (22)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (23)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (24)

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (25)

Posts: 37,656

26/08/2019Aug 26, 2019 10:58:02 GMTvia mobile

Post by andypspotter on Aug 26, 2019 10:58:02 GMT

Today's movers:

OY-OLD FA8X 0815/0859
N450KR GLF4 0818/
D-CSUN C56X /0908
N450CE GLF4 0913/1505
CS-TFQ LJ45 /0915
G-RORA E550 0932/1037
A6-MRM B738 /0935
D-CXLS C56X /0945
9H-FFF C650 /0955
M-WIND GLF6 /1010
9H-ART CL60 /1110
N711LS GLEX 1157/
TC-CLG H25B 1214/1336
OY-GWK F2TH 1228/1425
9H-KAZ H25B 1231/
D-AFAN CRJ2 1301/1444
F-HFCN E145 1359/1510
A6-MRS B738 1413/
M-WIND GLF6 1413
D-CFHZ E55P 1422/1525
OE-GDP E55P 1426/1510
A6-RJZ B737 /1441
A7-MHH A319 1506/
HB-VLX PC24 1553/
N2926E CL30 /1740
N129NS GLF4 1910/

The usual caveats regarding non-onward circulation apply.

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (26)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (27)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (28)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (29)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (30)

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (31)

Posts: 37,656

26/08/2019Aug 26, 2019 13:03:07 GMTvia mobile

Post by andypspotter on Aug 26, 2019 13:03:07 GMT

Courtesy of GE:

EGLF Mvts 09:30ish-13:30ish

Date Time Mvt Reg Type c/s Comments
26-Aug 08:05 DEP * G-THFC E35L LNX66TC
26-Aug 08:07 ARR 9H-VFD CL65 VJT570
26-Aug 08:13 DEP OY-LGI GL6T VMP933
26-Aug 08:15 ARR OY-OLD FA8X MMD400
26-Aug 08:18 ARR N450KR G450 N450KR
26-Aug 08:23 ARR VP-BOK GL6T VPBOK
26-Aug 08:59 DEP OY-OLD FA8X MMD400
26-Aug 09:08 DEP * D-CSUN C56X AHO498N
26-Aug 09:10 DEP 9H-VFD CL65 VJT570
26-Aug 09:12 ARR N450CE G450 EJM45
26-Aug 09:32 ARR G-RORA E550 CLF481R
26-Aug 09:39 DEP A6-MRM B738 DUB5
26-Aug 09:45 DEP D-CXLS C56X AHO52B
26-Aug 09:50 DEP * 9H-FFF C650 LWG1301
26-Aug 09:56 DEP M-WIND G650 MWIND
26-Aug 10:17 ARR 9H-VJD GL6T VJT732
26-Aug 10:20 DEP G-RORA E550 CLF481R
26-Aug 10:53 DEP * SE-DJG E35L EUW9310
26-Aug 11:08 DEP * D-AJOY CL85 AXG2608
26-Aug 11:13 DEP EI-WFI CL65 EIWFI
26-Aug 11:22 DEP M-ODEL G450 MODEL
26-Aug 11:37 DEP 9H-VJD GL6T VJT732
26-Aug 12:02 DEP CS-GLB GL6T NJE731G
26-Aug 12:10 ARR TC-CLG H900 TCCLG
26-Aug 12:15 DEP CS-LAU C68A NJE603K
26-Aug 12:38 DEP 9H-VCM CL35 VJT431
26-Aug 12:40 ARR OY-GWK F2TS MMD6366
26-Aug 12:42 DEP HZ-ARK G550 HZARK
26-Aug 12:43 ARR OY-LGI GL6T VMP933
26-Aug 12:45 ARR D-AFAN CL85 IFA6069
26-Aug 12:54 ARR * G-THFC E35L
26-Aug 12:56 ARR N711LS GL6T N711LS
26-Aug 13:06 DEP 9H-VFJ CL65 VJT516
26-Aug 13:21 DEP TC-CLG H900 TCCLG

CAVEATS: PLEASE READ THEM (Updated 01st March 2019)

This report is un-official and is produced on a best endevours basis - use at your own discretion.

Not all arrivals and departures will be captured.

Movement times may be out by up to 10 minutes as the time is dependent upon when the aircraft was last seen by my SBS.

Movements without an astirisk are based on the first/last LAT/LONG of the aircraft.

Movements marked with an asterisk are based on altitude alone and may be mis-reported.

Movements into Fairoaks may show as Farnborough movements though where possible a comment will be added.

Movements into other local airports will be posted on the fab-aviation-group.proboards.com site when time permits.

Daily nightstopping list may contain inaccuracies due to an arrival/departure being missed or mis-reported - use at your own discretion.

Any manual updates to the nightstopping list will be actioned when time permits.

Not to be re-circulated including re-posting on Facebook without my explicit permission.

Report produced using Planebase (www.planebase.biz)


See my recent photos at

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (32)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (33)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (34)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (35)26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (36)

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (37)

Posts: 37,656

26/08/2019Aug 26, 2019 17:41:12 GMTvia mobile

Post by andypspotter on Aug 26, 2019 17:41:12 GMT

Courtesy of GE:

EGLF Mvts 13:30ish-17:30ish

Date Time Mvt Reg Type c/s Comments
26-Aug 13:43 DEP 9H-VCG CL35 VJT480
26-Aug 13:51 DEP G-TAYC G450 GTAYC
26-Aug 13:56 DEP D-AFAN CL85 IFA6069
26-Aug 14:07 ARR M-WIND G650 MWIND
26-Aug 14:13 DEP 9H-ART CL61 RJR004
26-Aug 14:18 DEP OY-GWK F2TS MMD1217
26-Aug 14:20 ARR D-CFHZ E55P DCFHZ
26-Aug 14:26 ARR A6-MRS B738 DUB7
26-Aug 14:29 ARR OE-GDP E55P SPG684
26-Aug 14:32 ARR CS-PHI E55P NJE8GX
26-Aug 14:40 DEP * G-RCFC H900 VXS526
26-Aug 14:43 DEP * G-RSXP C56X VCG2XP
26-Aug 14:48 DEP N450CE G450 EJM45
26-Aug 15:09 ARR A7-MHH A319 A7MHH
26-Aug 15:17 DEP D-CFHZ E55P DCFHZ
26-Aug 15:24 DEP OE-GDP E55P SPG684
26-Aug 15:31 DEP G-COGS B407 GCOGS
26-Aug 15:47 ARR HB-VLX PC24 HBVLX
26-Aug 16:04 DEP A6-RJZ B737 ROJ001
26-Aug 17:02 ARR CS-CHB CL35 NJE6RA
26-Aug 17:15 DEP N2926E CL35 N2926E

CAVEATS: PLEASE READ THEM (Updated 01st March 2019)

This report is un-official and is produced on a best endevours basis - use at your own discretion.

Not all arrivals and departures will be captured.

Movement times may be out by up to 10 minutes as the time is dependent upon when the aircraft was last seen by my SBS.

Movements without an astirisk are based on the first/last LAT/LONG of the aircraft.

Movements marked with an asterisk are based on altitude alone and may be mis-reported.

Movements into Fairoaks may show as Farnborough movements though where possible a comment will be added.

Movements into other local airports will be posted on the fab-aviation-group.proboards.com site when time permits.

Daily nightstopping list may contain inaccuracies due to an arrival/departure being missed or mis-reported - use at your own discretion.

Any manual updates to the nightstopping list will be actioned when time permits.

Not to be re-circulated including re-posting on Facebook without my explicit permission.

Report produced using Planebase (www.planebase.biz)


See my recent photos at

26/08/2019 | FAB - Aviation Group (2025)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.